Value Added Business Logistics
Pickkon: Last Mile Personal | Business logistics solution
Business Logistics and personal errands cost you a lot more than you think
Business Logistics and Personal Errands Cost You a lot more than you think
Instead of wasting your working time in business logistics, you could invest more productive time in your job or business where it counts!
High-Income professionals, entrepreneurs, and small businesses waste a lot of their time and money in personal and business logistics!
Instead of wasting your working time in business logistics, you could invest more productive time in your job or business where it counts!
High-income professionals, entrepreneurs, and small businesses waste a lot of their time and money in personal and business logistics!
Instead of wasting your working time in business logistics, you could invest more productive time in your job or business where it counts!
High-Income professionals, entrepreneurs, and small businesses waste a lot of their time and money in personal and business logistics!
Instead of wasting your working time in business logistics, you could invest more productive time in your job or business where it counts!
High-Income professionals, entrepreneurs, and small businesses waste a lot of their time and money in personal and business logistics!
Americans spend 5 hours per week doing errands outside their homes. That’s 10 hours per week per Household!
Local small business online retailers make 10 deliveries per week. That’s 43 deliveries per month!
Small business, logistics generates 15 trips per week (buying supplies, doing errands, go gets, go pick up, etc.)
Americans spend 5 hours per week doing errands outside their homes. That’s 10 hours per week per Household!
Local small business online retailers make 10 deliveries per week. That’s 43 deliveries per month!
Small business, logistics generates 15 trips per week (buying supplies, doing errands, go gets, go pick up, etc.)
Americans spend 5 hours per week doing errands outside their homes. That’s 10 hours per week per Household!
Local small business online retailers make 10 deliveries per week. That’s 43 deliveries per month!
Small business, logistics generates 15 trips per week (buying supplies, doing errands, go gets, go pick up, etc.)
Think about it!
Think about it!
Does it make sense for a $350/hour fee lawyer to waste his Saturday morning doing routine errands?
No, it doesn’t!
Does it make sense for a $75,000/year executive to spend 5 hours of her working week doing routine errands?
No, it doesn’t!
Does it make sense for a successful local e-commerce entrepreneur to do her value-added deliveries thinking she’s saving money that way?
No, it doesn’t!
Does it make sense to do a local to local delivery in an impersonal unbranded box when you could send a friendly agent dressed in your brand to deliver it personally?
No, it doesn’t!
Think about it!
Does it make sense for a $350/hour fee lawyer to waste his Saturday morning doing routine errands?
No, it doesn’t!
Does it make sense for a $75,000/year executive to spend 5 hours of her working week doing routine errands?
No, it doesn’t!
Does it make sense for a successful local e-commerce entrepreneur to do her value-added deliveries thinking she’s saving money that way?
No, it doesn’t!
Does it make sense to do a local to local delivery in an impersonal unbranded box when you could send a friendly agent dressed in your brand to deliver it personally?
No, it doesn’t!